Frequently Asked Questions
How can I pay to attend/sponsor Keller University?
1. All Keller University sponsors/attendees must create a GUEST account if you do not already have one, or login using the credentials you previously created.
2. Once logged in, click on ‘Items At Any KISD Facility’, next to ‘School Type, click on ‘DISTRICT OFFICE’, next to ‘School’, click on ‘District Office’, then next to ‘Categories’, click on ‘Keller University Attendees' or 'Keller University Sponsors'.
3. Click on ‘Buy’ next to the item(s) you want to purchase, then click on ‘Checkout’ and follow the blue prompts to complete checkout and pay by credit/debit card.
**A printable receipt will automatically pop-up on the screen once your transaction is complete.
How can I purchase items which are available to my student?
Click on your student's name. Click on the 'Items At My Student's School' button. This will take you to a page displaying only items available to your student. Click on the 'Items At Any KISD Facility' button. This will take you to a page displaying items available to all students.
How do I pay open fines/fees for my student?
Click on your student's name. Click on the 'Pay Fines/Fees' button. Click on the fines or fees you would like to pay. The fines or fees you have chosen will be added to your shopping cart.
How can I print fine/fee and purchase ledgers for my student?
Click on your student's name. Click on the 'Purchase History' button. This will open a pop-up window listing all fines or all receipts for your student. Click on the printer icon at the top to print out the fine/fee or receipt ledger.
Why was my credit or debit card declined?
If your card has been declined, please ensure that:
- your credit card is either a Discover, Visa, or MasterCard credit or debit card.
*Note: bank cards and check guarantee cards are not accepted.
- your card has an expiration date of the current month or later
- your credit card number has been entered correctly (no dashes or spaces)
- the address associated with the card matches the address you've entered into the form
- the 3-digit security code on the back of your card is entered correctly.
Special note to debit card users:
Many banks "reserve" the amount you attempt to charge each time you make an attempt, even if the debit card is declined. While the money will not be withdrawn from your account, a reserve will prevent you from making other withdrawals for several days and MAY create an overdraft.
Who do I contact for additional web store assistance?
For general questions related to the web store or for assistance navigating the website:
District Office
(817)744-1170 or
After you have logged into the web store, you may click on 'Contact Us' at the top of the page for additional school or KISD facility contact information.